We were honored to conduct an interactive workshop at Gujarat University’s Seth Damodar School of Commerce on August 31st,2024. It was a Saturday morning, we started the session around 11 am. It was tentatively for about 90 minutes only, but to our surprise, the session came to an end around 1:15 pm.

The session started with a warm welcome from the Arthni Club of SD School of Commerce. They introduced the activities they commonly run in the club. The hall was filled with students, even on Saturday mornings. The energy of the room was slightly lethargic but full of expectations.

After the Arthni Club handed over the stage to us, the House of Financial Planner an authorized education provider of CFP in India, a member from the team started with a small introduction of the organization and made an attempt to chase away the lethargy from the crowd. They started off with a warm-up activity where everybody was asked to follow a set of instructions. Amidst the commotion, the audience was charged up and ready for the workshop to begin.

Just to be sure that the audience was focused, even the trainer – Mr Apurva Singhi, CFP started by a small attention check activity and to our surprise the of the everybody was attentive and 75 % of the audience was completely attentive.

The workshop’s game-changing moment was when we introduced real client audio conversations and briefly discussed the journey of financial planning. As the students listened, they occupied the vacant front-row seat and started enjoying the experiential construct of the workshop where they learned what it’s like to manage client expectations, and their financial problems, and find practical solutions.

This wasn’t theoretical learning; this was the real deal. With every conversation they heard, the students could practically sense what it would feel like to step into the shoes of a CFP. As they absorbed the discussions, it was like the penny dropped—they realized that if they choose this career path, this is exactly what they would be doing on a day-to-day basis.

How does a CFP Manage the Numbers?  

The “Back Math” – another out-lying area of the workshop was when we shared the breakdown or the back math involved in financial planning. We showed the students the level of thought and Balance sheet CFPs make for their clients. This includes analyzing investment options, planning for retirement, managing risks, and balancing estates. It was a detailed, step-by-step breakdown of how CFPs build financial plans, tailored to the need of client’s unique needs and goals. It was during this session that students really began to grasp the level of responsibility and skill that comes with being a financial planner. The back-end work is not just numbers on paper—it’s the framework that helps people build and secure their financial future.

A Career Worth Considering!

We also talked about why the CFP certification is a powerful career option, especially in the Indian financial services industry. We shared insights about the 18 lakh vacancies in the financial services sector and how CFP professionals are well-positioned to fill this growing demand. The certification opens doors to a wide range of career opportunities in both private practice and corporate roles.

We made sure the students left with a realistic picture of what this career could offer them:

  • The satisfaction of helping clients secure their futures,
  • In a dynamic work environment,
  • Vast growth potential.

Special Thanks

A special thank you goes to Dr Hemal Pandya Ma’am and the Arthni Club (Seth Damodar School of Commerce) team, whose collaboration made this event possible. Their dedication and effort were instrumental in ensuring the workshop was a huge success.


By the end of the session, students didn’t just learn about the CFP profession—they experienced it. They now have a deeper understanding of what it’s like to walk the path of a CFP and the real work that goes into helping people secure their financial futures. Through real-life audio and back-end financial breakdowns, students got a true taste of the day-to-day life of a financial planner. For those who choose this path, CFP certification offers more than just a career—it provides the opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of others